


action #158898

Updated by jbaier_cz 2 months ago

## Motivation 
 Proposal by okurz after listening to a podcast about Product Owners and Yoga looking Yoga: 1050 CET so it would be 1030-1045 CET for dev daily, 1050-1100 CET? ok, that's again to improve self-discipline 

 ### Possible benefits and drawbacks 

    near to other calls so new proposal: 1020-1035 CET for infra daily, 1035-1050 CET for dev daily 
    * pro: both together so people interested in both are interrupted less over the day 
    * pro: can motivate people in the infra-subteam to start their day with engagement 
    * pro: not the awkward "haste from lunch" time slot for the infra daily 
    * con: no synchronisation point in afternoon after the "lunch down" 
    * con: follow-up with topics immediately after corresponding daily can be conflicting, e.g. infra-topic can not be followed-up with a person that wants to join the dev daily 

 ## Suggestions 
 * 1050 CET so it would be 1030-1045 CET for dev daily, 1050-1100 CET? ok, that's again to near to other calls so new proposal: 1020-1035 CET for infra daily, 1035-1050 CET for dev daily 
 * Present proposals, discuss alternatives 
 * Conduct the experiment for some weeks 
 * Change Slack and calendar and wiki entries 
 * Make an explicit choice which to do
