


action #159198

Updated by JERiveraMoya 2 months ago

#### Motivation 
 Now we have added our first migration in maintenance updates is time to tackle problems mentioned in #157873 in a narrowed scope. 

 - We don't need to schedule `migration/` (looks like is resetting the console but that might not be needed either) when is scheduled for first time. 
 - `autoyast/` should run before `autoyast/` 
 - `HDDVERSION`, `ORIGIN_SYSTEM_VERSION`, `UPGRADE_TARGET_VERSION` can be simplified to single openQA variable `VERSION_2` (representing a secondary version, could be an origin one or a target one depending of the version of the job group running the job). 
 - The second time `migration/` is scheduled we should replaced by create a new module which exclusively will do the set the new version (and and perhaps reset the console if needed), needed, the rest of the code multi-architecture or including other setup will not be contained in this new module. 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Simplification in the use of settings and test modules for one openQA job running migration between two product is provided only in the scope of maintenance updates.
