action #157195
Updated by JERiveraMoya 10 months ago
#### Motivation Migrations from Leap to SLE, we need set the setting: HDD_1_URL: '' HDD_1: opensuse-15.6-x86_64-623.2-textmode@64bit.qcow2 HDD_1_URL: '' HDD_1: opensuse-15.6-x86_64-623.2-gnome@64bit.qcow2 HDD_1_URL: '' HDD_1: opensuse-15.6-x86_64-623.2-kde@64bit.qcow2 The job id may delete, we need update those id and image name according the latest image name. #### Acceptance criteria **Acceptance criteria** **AC1**: AC1. Implement in our CI a query to get the latest id and set the setting without manual intervention.