coordination #28630
Updated by mgriessmeier over 7 years ago
## Motivation SLE needs to support installation on s390x so we need a way to test it. Also, we have at least one LPAR available for SUSE QA SLE and should make use it for it, be it solely for manual testing or also for automatic testing including the possibility to have virtual machines (z/VM or suse-kvm) on that LPAR installation ## Acceptance criteria * **AC1:** The LPAR instance(s) that are available for QA SLE are documented, e.g. on -> * **AC2:** There is a documented workflow how to use that LPAR or description how it's used -> * **AC3:** The LPAR is used for manual and/or automatic testing on a regular base -> ## Further details ### short summary, not providing a full documentation * we have currently three LPARs which openQA is using * s390pb: zKVM hypervisor which we don't touch directly and only using to install guests via virsh * s390p8: SLE-12SP3 KVM Hypervisor which we need to always update to the latest maintenance updates automatically but not reinstall * s390p7: SLE-15 KVM Hypervisor which we need to reinstall with every build and on top TODO name of that install guests by using virsh * zHMC * our LPARs are controlled via zHMC (z Hardware Management Console -> * there is one dedicated QAP account which is at the moment restricted machine, links to me only, I need to clarify how we can handle this, because stuff can really break if some misclick happens here ;) * TODO HMC, documentation, other wiki pages, other tickets, meeting minutes, etc.