


action #154681

Updated by JERiveraMoya 5 months ago

#### Motivation ### **Motivation** 
 To trace [[bsc#1219218]]( and [[bsc#1219209]] ( for the failures in slem job: 
 If the bug is a wontfix there is an option for ignore, if the bug is open for 5.5, we can add it as softfailure report that also happens for 6.0. 

 **[1]** ### **Acceptance criteria** 
 ``` **[AC1]** : Trace the bugs' status 
 **[AC2]** : If bsc#1219218 is closed as WONTFIX, update the slem json file by adding slem 6.0 to ignore the error under here: 
 "bsc#1126272": { 
         "description": "Failed unmounting \/\\S+\\.|-- Reboot --|pam_systemd.*Failed to release session", 
         "products": { 
             "sle-micro": [ "5.0", "5.1", "5.2", "5.3" , "5.4" , "5.5"], 
             "leap-micro": [ "5.2", "5.3", "5.4", "5.5" ], 
             "microos":    ["Tumbleweed"], 
             "alp":    ["0.1", "0.1:S:A", "0.1:S:B"] 
         "type": "ignore" 

 **[AC3]** : Add a softfailure for bsc#1219218, by adding version 6.0 here: 
 [2] ** 
 ** ``` 
 "bsc#1217773": { 
         "description": "Unable to send container stderr message to parent Broken pipe", 
         "products": { 
             "sle-micro": ["5.4"] 
         "type": "bug" 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1** : Trace the bugs' status 
 **AC2** : If bsc#1219218 is closed as WONTFIX, update the slem json file by adding slem 6.0 to ignore the error under **[1]** json section above. 
 **AC3** : Add a softfailure for bsc#1219218, by adding version 6.0 indicated in **[2]** .
