


action #153577

Updated by JERiveraMoya 6 months ago

Migrations from Leap to SLE always fail before RC: 
 and due to we want to reduce ambiguity of softfailures we shouldn't even mark them as such (related with epic #151822). 
 Therefore what we could do is to put an exception in the code that: 
 - If this particular product is not found in SCC, (perhaps we need to grap the logs?) we set the status of the job as passed unless development phase is RC or GMC, where we should normally fail and have a proper bug to label the job. 

 We are not going to use too many flavor due they create a cost of setup unnecessary with a good renaming and re-structuring of our test suites. 
 In order to move test suite from one flavor to another we will need need reconfiguration of settings in job group yaml. 
 Keep in mind we are trying to clean-up Miscellaneous job group, you might find it connected with this epic too #151984. 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Move these three jobs to Migration job group (to flavor Migration-from-SLE15-SPx to be deleted in the future as well) without using its existing flavor. 
 **AC2**: Apply proper naming that fits well with existing new naming (discuss with the squad in Slack for feedback). 
 **AC3**: In order to get the latest Leap, apply the best solution as result of #125549, I guess option 1, because 3 not sure it could work out of the box (contact with @tinawang123 in any doubt) 
 **AC4**: Add the logic necessary to pass the job always before RC phase, while fail normally from there. 

 #### Additional information 
 Jobs to move: 
 For condition of development phase, please see
