


action #28507

Updated by SLindoMansilla about 7 years ago

## User story 

 As a customer, when I select in the Yast installer to use *encrypted LVM-based* partitions, I expect _/boot_ to also be encrypted, so initrd and kernel are better protected against malicious actions. 

 - Take in mind that _/boot_ can be a directory under the root partition or be in a separated partition, but in any case, it is expected to be encrypted. 
 - Be aware that on SLE 12-SP3 _/boot_ was in a separated partition by default. On SLE 15, _/boot_ is no more in a separated partition by default. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 

 **AC1:** [bsc#1070139]( is resolved. 
 **AC2:** The test suite **lvm-full-encrypt** is adapted to have an encrypted _/boot_ for **aarch64**, **ppc64** and **x86_64** 
 **AC3:** The test suite **lvm-full-encrypt** still gives for SLE 12-SP3 the same results as in 

 ## Tasks 

 1. Wait for [bsc#1070139]( to be resolved. 
 2. Adapt test suite **lvm-full-encrypt** to work for SLE 12-SP3 and SLE 15. 
