action #152755
Updated by livdywan about 1 year ago
## Observation openQA test in scenario sle-15-SP4-Server-DVD-Updates-x86_64-qam-regression-installation-SLES@64bit fails in [scc_registration]( ## Test suite description Testsuite maintained at - autoyast commented out - needs tuning in ## Reproducible Fails since (at least) Build [20231218-1]( and seems like all SCC related jobs in at least the same build are affected shows 4x red so a clear reproducible infrastructure related issue. but ## Expected result Last good: [20231217-1]( (or more recent) ## Further details Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( ## Suggestions * SCC is up and running - it's not a general downtime of the service * TID for diagnosing SCC connectivity issues: TL;DR: This bad boi should return a reflection of the HTTP request (minus the post data) ``` curl -sSL -d post=data -H "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==" -H "System-Token: testtoken" | python3 -m json.tool ``` * Find out if there is a relation to #152389 and #151612 * Use a developer session to debug the issue live