


action #152683

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 7 months ago

In [Playwright repo]( we have currently set the basis for CI/CD [poo#134441]( after merging: 
 Currently, the only check available is the typescript formatting, according to file tsfmt.json (complying with the default formatting by vscode). We should enhance enchance the checks in the CI, by adding a step that will get the imported files (lib/actor/page etc) ignoring the "import { type Page } from '@playwright/test';" . It is recommended to create a script directory direcotry and place a script inside that will be called by the CI steps in .github/workflows/ci.yaml, instead of polluting the ci.yaml. 

 ***Acceptance criteria*** 
   - The CI should check if the imported files exist in the repo. 
   - Create test actions to verify expected failure and success of the CI. 
