


coordination #151822

Updated by JERiveraMoya 7 months ago

#### Motivation 
 Reduce the ambiguity of this kind of failures ensuring we are not hiding any potential problem and cleanup is provided in a regular basis. 
 Requested by upper management. 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Understand Reduce the bugs, reproduce them and contact stakeholders 
 **AC2**: Decide what to do with the bug, valid softfailure, remove it due it will not be fixed, update bug reference. 
 **AC3**: Care about reopening the bug for product in general maintenance or LTSS if required. 

 #### Additional information 
 - Bugs found during develpment number of product that are now softfailures in maintenance might be ignored and we need to reopen it and link original bug. 
 - Create a subtask in this epic for tackling each individual soft-failures or related clusters of them. 
 - Check also in development Yam job groups.
