


action #18006

Updated by okurz over 6 years ago

## user story 

 As openSUSE fanboys we want to have openQA in oS:Fctry whenever it was tested on an openSUSE system so that we convince others and can enable safer continuous deployment 

 ## acceptance criteria 

 * **AC1**: openQA packages with dependencies from obs://devel:openQA are submitted to oS:Fctry automatically after the openQA-in-openQA test passes 

 ## tasks 

 * create an automated way to 
  * copy package/project to test from devel:openQA to devel:openQA:testing 
 * trigger openQA-in-openQA 
 * after [openQA-in-openQA monitor]( job succeeds, trigger a submission with `osc sr` from that project 
 * if that works we could also submit new stable versions to released versions as maintenance requests. Because this is only accepted using bug reports we could auto-create the bug reports as well :)
