


action #135782

Updated by okurz 10 months ago

## Observation is failed, references a takeover ticket #134873 but the result is not updated when it should be. 
 ticket #134873 was moved to the tracker "openqa-force-result" in 2023-09-06 10:29 (CEST?) and finished 2023-09-11 . The comment was carried over initially from which finished 2023-09-06 04:42:06 +0000 when the ticket was not yet in openqa-force-result. 

 Note: The job is softfailed now, but you can see that a human did that in the second comment. 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 
 * **AC1**: force result expressions in ticket titles are effective for comments with carried over labels even if the issue changed to be effective for force-result meanwhile 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Look for relevant logs from openqa-gru service or minion jobs in the ... 
 * Confirm that it happens more often 
 * Maybe see if this is related to #135803 (just a guess, though) 
 * Since this seems to be a case where the tracker was wrong as the script was running: 
     * Consider adding a comment e.g. after "(Automatic takeover from t#12016780) (The hook script will not be executed.)" like "(force_result was specified but will not be used unless the tracker is $tracker)" 
 * If you expect that everything works as expected just find at least one openQA job where a label carry over and force-result was effective 

 ## Out of scope 
 * This is *not* about openqa-label-known-issues directly as the issue was about carried over comments where hook scripts are not executed as expected. See
