


action #135194

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 11 months ago

Currently, in the module that we use for validating encrypted disks after installation, there are many checks that don't really make sense to keep, as they do not have to do with the settings chosen during installation itself. For example, verifying the LUKS version or the key location, is out of our testing scope.  

 The particular module is used by other teams (security and qam), so before editing it we could contact them to check if they need the particular checks, or simply create a new one that will validate the disk encryption accordingly, avoiding checks that do not concern Yast team.  

 **Acceptance criteria** 
 - Investigate and select the proper encryption checks. checks 
 - Make sure we will not remove checks significant to other teams. 
 - Replace module and test data in current tests. teams 
