


action #25734

Updated by SLindoMansilla over 6 years ago

## User story 

 As a user, I want to use autoyast with a profile, that hasn't any host section but has a networking section, to get an installed system with the networking configuration taken from the autoyast profile. 

 ## Regression 


 ## Acceptance criteria 

 - **AC1** The autoyast profile does not contain any \<host\> section. 
 - **AC2** The autoyast profile contains a \<networking\> section. 
 - **AC3** /etc/hosts is not blanked out after installation. 
 - **AC4** The configuration from the \<networking\> <networking> section is used on the installed systemd. 

 ## Tasks 

 #### 1. Look for a current test suite that covers this scenario. 
 - Adapt the test so it checks for non-blank-out of /etc/hosts. 
 - Adapt the test so it checks for the networking configuration. 

 #### 2. If no existing test suite is covering this scenario, create a new one. 
 - Create a profile without \<host\> <host> section and with \<networking\> <networking> section. 
 - Use it on the created scenario. 
 - Check for non-blank-out of /etc/hosts. 
 - Check for the networking configuration. 
