


action #133820

Updated by syrianidou_sofia 11 months ago

The Sle Micro page for selecting extensions and modules has some differences with sles, when it comes to naming. The sles version of libyui is checking if the box with id=addon_repos is visible, in order to proceed with module selection. For Fro slem there is no item with such id, instead there is one with id=items, so we have failure: 
 We should either change the particular check to identify something existing in both sles and slem versions of extensions and modules page or create a slem distribution that will inherit all functions form sles distribution but have different check for "lib/Installation/ModuleSelection/"->get_module_selection_page. 

 **Acceptance criteria** 
 - tests/installation/module_selection/ module works for both sles and slem 
 - Enable the libyui schedules for slem_extensions_and_modules tests in the slem/yam jobgroup. (See commit: ) 


 Attached you can find the widgets output of slem extensions and modules page
