


action #132992

Updated by JERiveraMoya 12 months ago

#### Motivation 
 Based the analysis in, we will start copying should copy test coverage to [YaM job our [own group]( for SLE Micro sle micro from [sle micro job group]( 

 The test suites to be **copied** are the following: need copied as below: 
 * slem-extensions_and_modules 
 * slem_ssh_installation_{controller|target} 
 * slem_installation_autoyast (only we few basic module post-installation, including anything Cockpit-related, not all of them) 
 * slem_installation_default (only we few basic module post-installation, including anything Cockpit-related, not all of them) 
 * slem_ssh_installation_{controller|target} 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Copy test coverage to our own group for SLE Micro 

 #### Additional information 
 Notice it says "copy" and not "move" due to this is under discussion and the split of test suites among squads might not be a perfect clean cut, so, we can re-evaluate later it something is missing. sle micro 
