


action #131024

Updated by okurz over 1 year ago

## Motivation 
 By default we use apache, for o3 we use nginx. Before we recommend to use nginx more we should ensure that nginx is properly tested as part of our various tests. Maybe nginx is already tested as part of the container setup including our config? See and the use of the related config(s) files 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** Our apache+nginx config within are tested as part of automated tests 
 * **AC2:** Both apache+nginx configs are deployed from openSUSE packages 
 * **AC3:** Both apache+nginx are covered in openQA installation documentation 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Crosscheck the docker-compose based CI test that uses nginx 
 * Take a look into Makefile and dist/rpm/openQA.spec for mentions of "apache" 
 * Extend installation and packaging instructions to cover both apache and nginx. Likely we can just install both apache and nginx config unconditionally as they don't conflict. Do *not* create just "openQA-apache" and "openQA-nginx" because "openQA" already contains /etc/apache2/ so just extend that with nginx files? 
 * In dist/rpm/openQA.spec the "single-instance" package requires apache. We do not necessarily need to supply both nginx and apache for that so we should likely be ok to just keep apache in there as is 

 ## Related 
 * #130477 for generalizing systemd files regarding the webserver
