


action #127046

Updated by livdywan almost 2 years ago

## Observation 

 We use OpenQA::Test::TimeLimit to limit test runtimes. 
 When the limit is exceeded for `t/14-isotovideo.t` for example, then `/usr/bin/qemu-system-i386` keeps running, and the next test will die. 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 

 * **AC1:** Terminating a test will cleanup everything including running child processes 

 ## Suggestions 
 - Send SIGTERM instead, or send SIGTERM first and SIGKILL only after another timeout? 
 - Use a process group for all processes created so the group can be killed atomically similar to the openqa worker which uses this approach already 
 - Maybe isotovideo is what's killed and can't propagate the signal
