


action #127463

Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago

#### Motivation 
 Aditional popup for non-free license in SLE 15 SP4 needs to be handle by the automation, the issue appeared a time ago but due to some other issues it went away for a while, but The Java licience agreement dialog popup, we were expecting need accept it back. There was no further answer from developers, therefore this non-free license needs to be accepted once the user select legacy module. before confirm_installation. 
 See additional information in this invalid bug [bsc#1206560]  


 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Adapt PR draft Create a new module to accept the java license, final solution should be contained in installation/confirm_installation license and load it with conditional yaml. 
 **AC2**: Report in the bug that should be invalid once during the automation succesfully handle this condition 

 #### Suggestions 
 Do not use conditional schedule, but handle this adapting framework starting by installation/confirm_installation process if found.
