


action #126125

Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago

#### Motivation 
 As powerVM only have 18G disk space.  
 It's not enough space to test all modules at spvm as we normally do in Migration: Misc. in regression flavor. 
 It will report error message: 
 We need reduce modules for those cases. 
 We still want to keep those pre and post check service and install all patterns, so basically the only modification is the number of products modules/extensions used in the scenarios. 

 Example of failures, but mostly all affected (even if the error is different): 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Reduce the number of product modules/extensions in powerVM scenarios for Regression so the scenarios pass 

 #### Additional information 
 Consider to keep product modules in this order for example: basesystem, server, desktop, development, python3, legacy, web and scripting, transactional, containers, public cloud (but it is just a suggestion, from what looks more basic and what it looks more additional, but of course depends how the customer uses, but in this case we are just putting some effort in having all together, for PowerVM we actually don't know, in YaST we only select textmode for example, so take it as orientation).  

 Product modules and extension for these jobs needs to be deselected in the parent jobs.
