


coordination #18602

Updated by okurz almost 7 years ago

## Observation 

 openQA test in scenario sle-12-SP3-Server-DVD-x86_64-autoyast_aytests_sles12_minimal+supportserver@64bit fails in 

 Need to pre-install ip and tar binaries 

 ## Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [0333]( (current job) 

 ## Expected result 

 Last good: [0328]( (or more recent) 

 ## Acceptance criteria  

 * **AC1** all autoyast tests are in a job group which has a proper review workflow (e.g. the job group does not exist anymore, all tests must be either in "SLE functional", "test development" or within the existing "autoyast" job group but properly reviewed *or* deleted) deleted 

 ## Problem 

 Also there are two kind of autoyast tests, autoyast tests self-contained within os-autoinst-distri-opensuse (1) and a "AY framework created by APAC colleagues" (2). 

 The following approach is suggested: 

 * DONE: <del>find existing stable and passing jobs from job group [Regression: Autoyast]( and move them to sles functional as long as they are of type (1)</del> 
 * DONE: <del>review review remaining failing jobs from (1), triage them and either delete if unimportant or fix and move to sles functional job group</del> group 
 * DONE: <del>delete delete all "aytests" as it seems there are no stakeholders in these</del> 
 * find reviewers (more than one) 
 * discuss with QA PM (mawerner) how test results should be communication and also who can act as "coordinator" 
 * document review workflow changes within these 

 As a reminder: The tests were added for a reason (which I don't know) and by topic they belong to sles functional (they are not about kernel, virtualization, migration, etc.) so it's in the domain of sles functional. also mentions the responsibility covering autoyast 

 ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 

 ### old information 

 #### Observation 

 openQA test in scenario sle-12-SP3-Server-DVD-x86_64-autoyast_aytests_sles12_minimal+supportserver@64bit fails in 

 Need to pre-install ip and tar binaries 

 #### Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [0333]( (current job) 

 #### Expected result 

 Last good: [0328]( (or more recent) 
