


action #125807

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

#### Motivation 

 openQA test in scenario sle-15-SP5-Regression-on-Migration-from-SLE15-SPx-x86_64-online_sles15sp2_ltss_pscc_lp-we-basesys-srv-desk-dev-contm-lgm-tsm-wsm-pcm_all_full@64bit fails in 
 This ticket is not for doing autoyast directly but to try out with fresh installation if error goes away: 

 Later on we can provide AutoYaST if that works.This ticket is only to try out. works. 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Attempt to avoid error above in orphaned packages using fresh installation 
 **AC2**: if succeeds create corresponding autoyast ticket to tackle errors in Migration: Misc job group
