


action #23624

Updated by riafarov almost 7 years ago

## acceptance criteria 

 * **AC1** must have working tests work for SLE12 as well as SLE15 SLE12SP3/4 still 
 * **AC2** must work on SLE15 or escalated 
 * **AC3** name of the testsuite has to be relevant for all product versions 
 * **AC3** must work on SLE15 or escalated 

 ## tasks 

 * dud_sdk -> replace ISO_1 with ftp, add DEV_IMAGE=1 for SLE15 to add dev tools repo manually. (done, doesn't help) 
 * research if this functionality exists for SLE15 and how it's suppose to work 
 * test dud functionality manually 
 * develop new test suite which tests dud functionality based on dud_sdk test suite, copy and edit sdk.dud to make it work 

 If this doesn't work with ftp, we need to investigate further.
