action #122905
Updated by JERiveraMoya about 2 years ago
#### Motivation
For staging we test yast2 repositories in a container for the actions related with adding staging repo.
The sequence of steps in the test could go like this:
1. Open `yast2 repositories` in container (see additional information)
2. Press Add
3. Press Next (no need for clicking on Specify URL as it is default)
4. Type Repository Name: `Staging_$stage` (we can get $stage from `get_required_var("STAGING")`)
4. type URL:$stage/images/repo/ALP-0.1-x86_64-Media1/ (it is not multi-architecture so we can hardcode it)
5. Press Next
6. Press Trust on Import Untrusted GnuPG Key Popup
7. Select row in table with Name "Staging_$stage"
8. Set lower number for priority to 90
9. Refresh all enabled repos
6. Check repo is enable with the most simple validation (let's put aside some libraries we have to do complex validation, it isn't worth):
`zypper lr --show-enabled-only --priority | grep Staging_B.*90`
#### Scope
Only x86_64
Staging Job group:
#### Acceptance criteria
AC1: Create new test suite in staging with new test module providing the addition of staging repo via yast2 repositories in a container
AC2: Automate with libyui-rest-api using POM (using directly Pages in the test, without Controllers)
AC3: Implement One Page Object as appear to user as only one page
AC4: Focus on readability of the test (no comments required in general)
#### Additional information
We will access directly to the module (via control center libyui-rest-api doesn't work due to bsc#1206929):
`YUI_HTTP_PORT=9999 YUI_HTTP_REMOTE=1 YUI_REUSE_PORT=1 podman container runlabel run repositories`
In the future we can consider additional checks or action with this screen, but in case of staging needs to be something very solid.
Take a look to the example we have for POM without controllers at the moment: