


action #122053

Updated by JERiveraMoya over 1 year ago

#### Motivation 
 With the new squad name came some additional task like updting Yam Mailing List 
 Replace header in all the files in os-autoinst-distri-opensuse: 
 `# Maintainer: QA SLE YaST team <>` 
 by the following: 
 `# Maintainer: QE YaST and Migration (QE Yam) <qe-yam suse de>` 

 Notice the ML is not not written as `` in the header of the files, according to admin filters needs more fine tuning and unfortunately we receive too many spam. One option could be to block external requests (Yam squad didn't receive any external mail for a lot of time, so it is a good option to consider). But for now writing the ML like that we can actually avoid most of the spam and any human could fill the gaps. 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Update header for all the files belonging to QE Yam as described above 
 **AC2**: Update description of job groups owned by Yam squad 

 #### Additional information 
 Search for other places, like in Confluence for example.
