


action #120918

Updated by szarate about 2 years ago

## Observation 

 Mariadb was updated to version 10.10. openQA now reports authentication failures in the php_mysql tests. 
 The issue seems to be that this code returns the wrong outcome: 

     my $mysql_version = script_output qq{mysql -sN -u root -e "SELECT VERSION();"}; 
     if (check_version('>=10.4', $mysql_version)) { 
         # MariaDB changed the default authentication method since version 10.4 
         my $mysql_root_password = "ALTER USER root\@localhost IDENTIFIED VIA mysql_native_password USING PASSWORD(\'\');"; 
         assert_script_run qq{mysql -u root -e "$mysql_root_password"}; 

 So, openQA knows that when a version >= 10.4 is in use, we need to set a root password; but check_version treats 10.10 as < 10.4 

 openQA test in scenario opensuse-Tumbleweed-DVD-x86_64-extra_tests_webserver@64bit fails in 

 ## Test suite description 

 ## Reproducible 

 Fails since (at least) Build [20221123]( 

 ## Expected result 

 Last good: [20221122]( (or more recent) 

 ## Further details 

 Always latest result in this scenario: [latest]( 

 ## Suggestions 

 - Start by adding the test case in [the unit tests]( for `check_version` 
 - Consider depending more on `version` [module]( to properly parse versions.
