


coordination #116680

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

#### Motivation 
 Tests running on these old workers with PowerKVM are not very relevant as the platform is no longer supported. We should migrate it to PowerVM. 
 As this process might not be so simple due to many chained dependencies, we will be doing step by step, test suite by test suite. 

 There may also be a lack of powervm workers at the moment. 
 Examples of problem where the VM is so slow it cannot even type a string: 

 This ticket is for keeping track of this migration. 

 #### Scope 
 YaST job group in openQA 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: All test suite are running virtualization PowerVM for architecture ppc64l in 'YaST' job group 

 #### Suggestions 
 Once all is migrated, we should consider to establish worker class for powerVM as default in job group configuration. the failures.
