


action #110779

Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 2 years ago

#### Motivation 
 See parent task #110770 
 We have this dependency chain: 

 create_hdd_gnome ->create_hdd_gnome_libyui-->yast2_ncurses_gnome 
 As we don't need to cover in PowerVM GUI applications, we just need to migrate 'yast2_ncurses_gnome', but at the same time we don't need a gnome image to be used with ncurses, we just need a textmode one including the development module. 
 Therefore in this ticket we will be creating an AutoYaST test suite which will take care of installing libyui-rest-api 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Migrate test suite 'yast2_ncurses_gnome' from PowerKVM to PowerVM 

 #### Suggestions 
 PowerVM is not installed with a desktop so we should evaluate what we could run from yast_gui,therefore in this case it is more like we will introduce the steps to install a textmode system with some changes for libyui from `create_hdd_gnome_libyui`. So with one test suite would be enough to replace the dependency chain mentioned above.
