


action #111260

Updated by szarate almost 2 years ago

Often we need to move assets in openQA to the fixed directory, this can be a repo, an iso or a qcow image or others, 

 I wrote the following script (hacked together rather), but does one way or the other what we would normally do, by ssh'ing into a machine and moving the stuff ourselves. 

 What we would like to have is a way to move either a build, or a specific asset of a particular build, to the corresponding fixed directory, one suggestion is to use a deploy workflow in a git repo, that triggers the moving of the assets, based on a simple config file added by the user (so we can track who runs what) 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 

 1. AC1 assets of a build can be moved altogether with a single command for osd. 
 1. AC2 No ssh to the openQA instance is required. 
 1. AC3 Proposal is done for openSUSE. 
