


action #105885

Updated by livdywan about 2 years ago

## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** All o3 workers automatically deploy after every update to os-autoinst or openQA-worker 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Since the automatic deployment Read what has been done on openqaworker7 and #105379 contains enough information to apply the approach on other o3 workers we suggest to in #105379, then continue here 
 * Ensure the root filesystem is mounted read-write, i.e. `mount -o rw,remount /` 
 * Enable the timer for "openqa-continuous-update.service", i.e. `systemctl enable --now openqa-continuous-update.timer` 
 * For checking call `systemctl status openqa-continuous-update` and check results, e.g. `journalctl -e -u openqa-continuous-update` and check for any unforeseen errors and such 
 * Monitor the state of the systems after some hours 
 * Monitor again on the next day
