action #110515
Updated by okurz over 2 years ago
## User story As an worker administrator I would like to call openqa-clone-job with an option to output what it would execute to be able to tweak the actually executed command, e.g. to trigger a 2-machine-cluster on two separate, specific worker hosts ## Acceptance criteria * **AC1:** openqa-clone-job can be called to output with outputting the equivalent openqa-cli commands it would call without actually executing executing, i.e. a "dry-run" ## Suggestions * To spawn a parallel job cluster where some jobs are running on Nürnberg workers and some on Prague workers one can modify openqa-clone-job to print the parameters instead of posting them by putting `print STDERR join(' ', map { "'$_=$composed_params{$_ }'" } sort keys %composed_params); exit 0;` in `post_jobs` within ``. One can then modify the worker classes as needed and post the jobs manually.