action #110503
Updated by JERiveraMoya over 2 years ago
### Scope Verify This is the code: ``` sub ```sub check_bsc1142979 { my $grep_cmd = script_run("grep -i $bsc_dir /etc/exports"); if ($grep_cmd != 0) { my $ret_val = script_run("yast nfs-server delete mountpoint=$bsc_dir"); if ($ret_val == 0 || $ret_val == 16) { record_soft_failure "Nfs-server bug: bsc#1142979 - Remove a mount directory that does not exist return value error"; } } } ``` ### Acceptance criteria **AC1**: Verify bug is fixed, report it in the bug and remove softfailure. ### Suggestions As the bug was reported in older product, check also in this softfailure is present there in some test suite.