


coordination #15850

Updated by mkittler almost 3 years ago

Several aspects ## User story 
 As a reviewer of displaying jobs and their dependencies with relations on '/tests/overview' I want the job relations to show up so that I save time finding out inter-dependant job results 

 ## acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** the job relations are visible on '/tests/overview' 
 * **AC2:** multi-machine tests on '/tests/overview' can be improved. See the sub grouped/folded to reduce clutter 

 ## tasks 
 * research how job relations are shown for concrete ideas. '/tests' 
 * implement the icons in a similar way for '/tests/overview' 
 * optional: Fold inter-dependant job results into a stack 
 * optional: Unfold on click 
 * optional: Make the job relation lookup and display configurable 

 ## further details 

 Original motivation came from asmorodskyi and rbrown discussing with me about multi machine tests which tend to use a lot of space on a overview page when most often one is at first interested in the overall result. So the idea was that these job result bubbles could be bundled or folded. 

 #15846 is related. 
