coordination #109187
Updated by JERiveraMoya almost 3 years ago
#### Motivation For Maintenance Test Repo has been provided analysis about how to split it and mentioned about using AutoYaST to make the job groups more independent for each squad: todo For now the most clear test suites than need are YaST related has been moved from [Core maintenance Updates] ( to new group [YaST Maintenance Updates]( We should try to avoid to repeat those installation steps in each Maintenance Test Repo, not only for not repeating, but also because interactive steps in the installation are more likely to fail than in an unattended installation, therefore for now we could start to create AutoYaST test suite for external dependencies in this new group and of course keep the test coverage using similar scenario that provides those dependencies (the parent job). Beside to avoid repetition, this would make faster to run the test, because AutoYaST is a bit lighter and the dependency itself introduce a delay sometimes. Another advantage is that even if other squad repeat exactly the same AutoYaST job, we have more chances to succeed, nowadays what happens (and unfortunately happens often) is that when there is some network glitch we need to restart everything (whatever the way you choose, using RETRY or manually) so in this way we just need a local restart, so we have more control to succeed. #### Scope Test suites with external dependencies: mru-install-desktop-with-addons & mru-install-minimal-with-addons Products: 12-SP{2..5}, 15, 15-SP{1..3}. todo #### Acceptance criteria **AC1**: In YaST Maintenance Updates job group there are not external dependencies in test suites. **AC2**: Include interactive installation scenario that we migrate using AutoYaST to the group (in some point where all squads will have migrated to AutoYaST we will not loose the test coverage for it). **AC3**: Do not introduce more changes unless are really solid due to we are not fully responsible yet for the review of the group due to lack of resources, but now we can start to take a look more often. todo #### Suggestions Reuse knowledge from previous task: #107674