


action #91947

Updated by tjyrinki_suse over 2 years ago

We had regression in cifs-utils: - mounting was broken when used with krb 
 This scenario could be made into automated test to prevent from happening again 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 

 AC1: To validate the assumption of what to test (sec=krb5), do a manual testing in a VM (any SLE version that was affected and then fixed) where the patch fixing the issue is reverted so that one can reproduce the original regression. 
 AC2: network/ is testing mounting with the same command from now on that was used in AC1 / krb as indicated in the bug report, bug, and the test is run across all maintenance releases 

 ## Suggestions 

 * Check what´s needed for the krb5 server to be configured, so that the following mount, either passes or fails (try first with a lower version of the package or SP?) 

 > // Enable CIFS debug to get more info from dmesg 
 > echo 'module cifs +p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control 
 > echo 'file fs/cifs/* +p' > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control 
 > echo 7 > /proc/fs/cifs/cifsFYI 
 > // Command to mount CIFS FS ( error 126 ) 
 > // mount -t cifs // /opt/software/share -o gid=sapsys,file_mode=0440,dir_mode=0775,sec=krb5,username=NG-CB-UBD201$,vers=3.0 
 > mount error(126): Required key not available 
 > Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg) 

 * **AC1**: Provide two verification runs for 15-SP2, one with the version that passes and another with the version that fails. 
 * **AC2**: branch the changes to run unconditionally on 15-SP3 
 * **AC3**: Soft fail for openSUSE 
