


action #108278

Updated by JERiveraMoya over 2 years ago

#### Motivation 
 Share the knowledge from 

 Basically DUD= bootloader parameter only affects the installer, so when we need to verify a bug in AutoYaST and the fixes are applied to AutoYaST second stage, we need another strategy: 

 <add-on t="map"> 
     <add_on_products t="list"> 
     <add_on_others t="list"> 
         <name>Customized AutoYaST services</name> 
         <priority config:type="integer">40</priority> 
           <accept_unsigned_file config:type="boolean">true</accept_unsigned_file> 
           <accept_file_without_checksum config:type="boolean">true</accept_file_without_checksum> 
             <all config:type="boolean">true</all> 
             <all config:type="boolean">true</all> 
           <accept_verification_failed config:type="boolean">true</accept_verification_failed> 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
 **AC1**: Document this way how to test a change for future second-stage bugs in AutoYaST. 

 To create repo we have in gitlab: 
 We should mention that in some way. 

 #### Suggestions 
 Probably we need a new section in Confluence for it, like in gitlab to not mix Manual validation with Development guide. 
 This is something that is documented in AutoYaST but we should documented as something useful when verifying a bug before it reaches the product. 
 For having a technical view about these stages, consult:
