action #103302
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 3 years ago
From 99963's comment, an additional instruction to "Nowadays the task is to look for 15.3 in and add or replace with 15.4." See ticket #99963: --- information copied from earlier ticket, before starting work requires refining if the below can then be completely ignored in the light of above comment -- the script needs to be adjust to sync the isos to openQA when doing that the directory for changes needs to be created # cd /var/lib/snapshot-changes/opensuse/ # mkdir 15.4 # chown factory-news 15.4 # setfacl -m u:geekotest:rwx 15.4 run and make sure an entry is created in snapshot-changes. Then symlink the current build: # sudo -u geekotest ln -s $BUILDNR current edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/factory-package-news.conf for the new release