


action #98337

Updated by JERiveraMoya over 2 years ago

# Motivation 

 Recently we added new testsuite Some test suites contain a lot of tests that might not be needed for AutoYaST the actual  
 scope of the test suite. Example: 

 **auto_yast_rules_and_classes** is using feature rules tests that "*are not doing anything silently*".  

 To save CPU and clases, for now we remove time all validations, we test_suites should find proper validations be shrinked down to validate different sections described in the xml via existing test modules. 
 Asses if the validation of the cloned profile requires further development of the parser and file a separate ticket for that if big changes are required. what is really needed. 

 # Goal(s) 

 * Validation is added to this test suite in openSUSE and SLE. every YAML schedule should have a good description 
 * tests that "setup things" should have a matching "validation test" that checks if things were properly setup 
