


action #96507

Updated by livdywan over 3 years ago

Two LTP jobs have failed recently in a similar way while waiting for needle match. 

 The first job has some interesting output in [autoinst-log.txt]( 

     [2021-08-03T07:24:58.610 CEST] [debug] no change: 0.5s 
     [2021-08-03T07:25:03.632 CEST] [debug] WARNING: check_asserted_screen took 4.02 seconds for 35 candidate needles - make your needles more specific 
     [2021-08-03T07:25:03.632 CEST] [debug] no match: -0.5s, best candidate: linux-login-20181005 (0.29) 
     *** Error in `/usr/bin/isotovideo: backen': free(): invalid pointer: 0x00005560f6795e00 *** 
     [2021-08-03T07:25:05.336 CEST] [debug] backend process exited: 0 
     [2021-08-03T07:25:05.336 CEST] [debug] stopping command server 30808 because test execution ended 

 The other job does not show any obvious error in [the log]( 

     [2021-07-31T07:21:58.852 CEST] [debug] no change: 1785.4s 
     [2021-07-31T07:22:01.325 CEST] [debug] backend process exited: 0 
     [2021-07-31T07:22:01.326 CEST] [debug] stopping command server 21557 because test execution ended 

 ## Suggestion 
 - Reproduce locally 
 - Extend `t/01-test_needle.t` to reproduce this case 
 - Have the test create and destroy multiple needs in a loop 
 - Try using an optimized build for tinycv (e.g. via cmake argument `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo`, see if the problem is not reproducible 
 - Provoke more threading in opencv 
 - Investigate memory-handling on the Perl side, passed to opencv, in baseclass (check os-autoinst readme)
