


coordination #96596

Updated by szarate almost 3 years ago

## Story 

 As a code reviewer I would like the CI to do menial checks so that I can focus on bigger details and be more effective with my work. 

 ## Background 

 Often when doing the reviews on GH, reviewers tend to mention when: 

 * File header not being updated 
 * File without summary and mantainer field 
   * Create a mantainer list and only allow a person to be mantainer in a module, if they're in such MANTAINERS 
 * Syntax checkers for coding style 
   * Things like if check_var('ARCH') instead of `is_aarch64` being wildly used, When there is `Utils::Architectures::is_aarch64`. When finding the check_var syntax, propose the aforementioned function 
   * Things like if check_var('BACKEND', 'qemu') instead of `is_qemu` being wildly used, When there are `Utils::Backends::is_qemu`. When finding the check_var syntax, propose the aforementioned function. 
   * Mix between `my $self = shift` and `my ($self) = @_`, the proposal would be to stick to `my ($self) = @_` 
 * Failures in the tidy checks that are often hard to find (Meaning, can we get comments on the offending lines?), which can be maybe generic enough to help with other parts of automated review. 
 * Know which jobs would be possibly affected by certain code changes 
   * Adding openqa-module-mapper in the current state, display last 20 jobs that are related to the changes in the PR.  


 ### AC's for feach item 

 * AC1: Each subtask is proposed as an RFC in the os-autoinst-distri-opensuse repo. 
 * AC2: There's a corresponding entry in the [contributing]( document. 

 ## For syntax checking (check_var, get_var, `script.*zypper`... etc) 

 * Create a hash table in yaml, json, xml, CORBA, toml, $MARKUPLANGUAGE to check with a regex for a syntax that when matching, would propose a suggestion. 
 * Use to add the proposals. 
