coordination #96302
Updated by szarate over 3 years ago
hi there! I was told to talk to you, since Timo is on vacation and I need a little help around openQA tests. could you help me?
I need someone to have a look at 8 poos that I just created. all are from tests for sle15sp3 quarterly released images, so it's rather hot. I don't need them to be fixed, I only need to be sure that none of these failures is actual bug in product. could you delegate it to someone?
here are the poos: - test fails in addon_products_sle - probably safe - test fails in raid_gpt - rather look into it - test fails in first_boot - weird but probably safe - test fails in validate_beta_popup - probably shouldn't even be there - test fails in setup_libyui - no idea - test fails in new_partitioning_gpt - probably safe - test fails in clone - probably safe - test fails in disk_activation - rather look into it