coordination #95371
Updated by szarate over 3 years ago
Ideally we'd have some resources that aren't SUSE Specific, which in return can be shared with the community, and a section that is only available to SUSE Employees:
* *Single point of reference for openQA documentation
* Single point of reference for openQA Training videos
* Single point of reference for openQA contact points
* Perl resources
* Linux training material
For the specific processes we have SUSE specific side of things, but these also match in to a degree to their openSUSE counterparts
* How new products are scheduled (Where do they come from)
* How to add new tests to staging area
* How maintenance updates work in relation with openQA
This would reduce the burden on teams to train a new hire (Or somebody comming from the exchange program) to use openQA, and ideally improved/updated over time, that bridge can be crossed once we get there.
*Single point in this case means or an `awesome-openqa` repository on github that should be mentioned in*