


coordination #93246

Updated by okurz about 3 years ago

## Motivation 
 As a test reviewer and member of one of many QA squads I want to find unreviewed openQA test failures on /tests to have access to a single page showing all failures needing review work. 

 Also see parent #89062 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 * **AC1:** query parameters on /tests can be specified to show only jobs needing a label, e.g. "failed/incomplete/timeout_exceeded" with no "label" nor "bugref" 

 ## Suggestions 
 /tests can already be configured like , even over UI elements. Also /tests already shows a comments icon but makes no distinction like on /tests/overview or "next & previous" between "plain comment", "label" or "bugref". 

 * Try t/ui/01-list.t and see if you can extend it 
 * Distinguish between "plain comment", "label" and "bugref" same as we do in /tests/overview and "next & previous" 
 * Add query parameter to filter only jobs that need review, e.g. "todo=1", same as on /tests/overview . At best use the same logic to prevent duplication 
 * Optional: Add UI element to configure this, e.g. again like on /tests/overview the "todo" checkbox 
 * Optional: Add further filter query parameters (+doc, +UI control elements) for 
   * job group include/exclude regex (similar to what we have on the index page) 
   * filter for "no group/any group" 
   * test module include/exclude regex 
   * further filter possibilities, e.g. medium, flavor, arch, machine 

 ## Further details 

 We already provide an IRC bridge that notifies about all unreviewed test failures (see and ).
