


coordination #91467

Updated by livdywan almost 4 years ago

## Motivation 

 As a squad team member, I want to think it would be very helpful if openQA was able to view Maintenance and Tumbleweed job group related problems that are relevant somehow automatically report failures to my squad. 

 Unlike *Product QA* where there is a single product version, one type of testing run, and tests in one job group per squad, the maintenance job groups are spread to 7 different versions of SLE, and in 3 different categories of testing. Even within those groups, both in the maintenance job groups and Tumbleweed job groups, there are separations which tests belong to which squad. chosen Rocket Chat channel. 

 ## Acceptance criteria critetia 

 - **AC1:** Squad members can view relevant tests in a single place TODO 

 ## Suggestions 

 - Send out Rocket.Chat notifications via GitLab CI 
 - Use [custom hook scripts]( 
 - Consider a custom view for the web UI
