


action #90368

Updated by riafarov over 3 years ago

In some cases, like for running libyui in pre-installed system, we have to install libyui every time. in the case of firstboot it even involves creating a special init file. We could simplify things and reduce test execution times by having directly a qcow image with libyui. 
 We also open single port for the REST API, we can either enable range of ports, or even disable it and cover cases where firewall rules have to be tested separately. 

 We should cover yast2 gui/ncurses + firstboot tests. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. Image with pre-configured dependencies required for the libyui REST API is available for SLES and openSUSE 
 2. Images for both gnome and text mode are available (see create_hdd_gnome and create_hdd_textmode)
