


action #88939

Updated by riafarov over 3 years ago

## Motivation 

 Before actually implementing the new approach, all the scenarios that are covered in welcome and accept_license test modules should be identified. 

 This is needed to plan how many test modules should be implemented and how they should be designed. 

 Scope: we use those modules for SLES/TW/Leap, as well as have some parts in the first boot. 

 ## Task 
 1. Write all the test cases, that are covered in `accept_license` accept_licence and welcome test modules; 
 2. Split the test scenarios to make them atomic, i.e. test only one thing in each test module; 
 3. Identify what pages are used in those test cases. This is required to know what pages should be covered in Page layer of OO framework. 
