


action #88059

Updated by riafarov over 3 years ago

As of now test_data allows only static data, but there are scenarios where we would need some dynamic values like VERSION, or DISTRI, etc. 

 We can allow and variables interpolation in the test data structure, e.g.: 
     - name:    SLES-%VERSION% 
       alias: SLES 
       enabled: No 
 We already print test_data in os-autoinst log, we can check if we should improve it. 

 `%` is special symbol for yaml standard and therefore require wrapping in quotes. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. Variables in test data are expanded, using same syntax as in openQA 
 2. Resulting test_data is printed to the logs and/or as record_info 
 3. In case vars.json variable is not defined, we should not expand it 
 4. New functionality is documented
