action #87704
Updated by tjyrinki_suse about 4 years ago
## Observation openQA test in scenario sle-15-SP2-Online-QR-s390x-lvm-encrypt-separate-boot@s390x-kvm-sle12 fails in [boot_encrypt]( ## Test suite description Same as lvm-full-encrypt, but with separate boot not encrypted partition, only installation to not repeat everything again with small risk. Maintainer: riafarov ## Reproducible Fails since (at least) Build [377.1]( ## Expected result Last good: [376.16]( (or more recent) -- --- Note: also this passing is already using the separated QAM YAML schedule schedule/qam/QR/lvm_encrypt_separate_boot.yaml -- --- ## Further details Always latest result in this scenario: [latest](