


action #12330

Updated by okurz over 7 years ago

Implement upgrade tests on s390 (zKVM + zVM) 

 ## current state 
 * zKVM: #15536 
 * zVM: We added a "preparation" job which installs an older version of SLES and then a new job zkvm problem with START_AFTER is triggered on nfs share, we would need a special WORKER_CLASS so that common share for s390pb as for the upgrade job will be triggered on the same host. As long as no other job interfers we can follow this approach. Validation run of offline migration on s390x zVM workers to read images from SLES 12SP2 to SLES 12SP3: and for reupload 
 * zVM: see, needs either #12922 or install_previous_and_upgrade in one test_suite 

 ## tasks 
 * <del>need to check with ihno first</del> 
 * <del>fix fix shutdown on zVM</del> zVM 
 * <del>zkvm: Common NFS share also mounted on s390pb r/w</del> We don't need that, using copy instead 
 * <del>okurz: okurz: check with oholecek the status of multiple modules in tests-detailsview</del> 

 ## old state as of 2016-12 

 * <del>zkvm problem with nfs share, we would need a common share for s390pb as for the workers to read images from and for reupload</del> -> I think we share the NFS there as well somehow or upload images and such 
 * zVM: see, needs either #12922 or install_previous_and_upgrade in one test_suite -> 2017-01: new approach, just assign special worker class with two jobs and START_AFTER tests-detailsview
