


action #77251

Updated by riafarov over 3 years ago

We should find a better name for this scenario, as we don't reuse partitions in any of the scenarios, so we don't care if it is lvm or not, which could bring confusion about what was the original purpose of it (without checking the bugs and feature mentioned on it). For this one in particular we just check encrypted and unlock an specific disk. After unlocked we install the system without reusing the partition. For PowerVM we don't even have an image created with lvm encrypted system, we just encrypt the partition at the beginning or the scenario. We should reflect only the activating and the encryption in the name. 

 In boot_encrypt, we have: 
      if (get_var('ENCRYPT_ACTIVATE_EXISTING') and !get_var('ENCRYPT_FORCE_RECOMPUTE')) { 
          record_info 'bsc#993247', 'activated encrypted partition will not be recreated as encrypted'; 
 which we should remove and remove module from the schedule when we do not expect encrypted partitions. 
 Please, check if module is used for older versions, and also adjust schedule for openSUSE distris. 

 ## Acceptance criteria 
 1. There are no references to 
 2. Come up with a new name for the test suite which reflects it's purpose better and discuss it within the team
